Geoffrey Bartlett Sculptures

Silver Cloud, 1995 by Geoffrey Bartlett

Silver Cloud


Red Gum and galvanised steel

350 x 500 x 100 cm

Collection of Deakin University Art Collection, Melbourne Campus

It was one of three major works that I completed at this time made from timbers that I had found on a farm near Moyston in the Grampians. Silver Cloud reflects the move to increasing simplicity in my work around 1995. In Silver Cloud I pared back the work to four main elements and introduced a new sense of volume in the cone-like Steel form on the end of the timber. I worked for a long time for a method to connect visually the timber with the Steel structures. So the organic timber evolves smoothly into the metal cone which is equally organic in form then slowly connects to the more fabricated structure above.

Geoffrey Bartlett, 2006